Nerdy man is showing that there is no time to waste

There are many reasons why you might want your time in braces or Invisalign to be shorter, from missing crunchy or sticky foods again to wanting to see your spectacular new smile. Fortunately for you, orthodontic technology has come a long way in the last decade or two, and treatment is faster than ever. 

How Long Do Braces or Invisalign Take?

The length of time you’ll be in braces depends in large part on the number and severity of issues being fixed. Patients with minor crowding will be done with treatment before patients with more complicated bite problems or numerous crooked teeth. In general, you can expect to wear braces between 12 and 24 months if you have moderate issues. American-made brackets and space-age wire are combined to create the most efficient treatment for you.

If you have minor problems, orthodontists can often prescribe Invisalign Lite or Invisalign Express, which both take six months or less. Invisalign also offers the benefit of being removable, so there are no eating restrictions and brushing and flossing are easy.

Should I Use a Product Like Propel Invisalign to Make My Treatment Go Faster?

In this age of instant gratification, it’s no surprise that companies offer ways to make your time in braces or Invisalign even shorter. Two such companies are Propel and Acceledent, which offer a couple different ways to speed up your treatment.While this may be tempting, there are a few reasons why it may not be the best course of action for you. 

Treatment will cost more: Any time you add products or services to your orthodontic treatment, the cost will most likely increase. Using Propel during your treatment can add up to $1000 more to your bill. 

Additional appointments may be required: The Propel Excellerator PT is a tool used by orthodontists to create small perforations in your jawbone to stimulate the movement of your teeth. This process has to be done at least once, sometimes twice to be effective, which means you may be adding appointments to your busy schedule.

It might not work: There are mixed reviews about the effectiveness of the Propel VPro and OrthoAccel by Acceledent. Both of these devices are applied to the teeth at home once a day and send vibrations through the teeth roots to the jawbone. Studies show that while they may have some effect on treatment, it is minimal at best, so it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to spend another $1000 for something that may not work.

Teeth may move back faster: It stands to reason that teeth moved into their proper positions more quickly may move back to their original positions more quickly. This can be especially true for patients with more complicated issues. By sticking it out for the normal treatment length, you may be ensuring your straighter smile will last longer.

Ultimately the decision of whether or not to speed up your treatment is between you and your orthodontist. Just know there are some potential negatives to using these devices that might outweigh the potential benefit of ending your treatment early.