braces patient.

There’s a common misconception that it is too late to get braces when you’re an adult. Many people figure that their time has passed and that their teeth are in their permanent positions for good, but this is false! More and more adults are finding that getting braces now can help them alleviate trouble with their teeth later, and it may be just the right time to get them if you’re a parent. Here’s what you need to know about braces for parents.

The Timing is Right

Now that the kids are going back to school, it’s the perfect time to take a moment for you. Since your duties of carting your kids off to sports practices, friends’ houses and other fun activities will be slowing down, there’s more time to schedule orthodontic appointments. With your increased flexibility, you’ll be able to schedule an appointment and actually be able to keep it. Let’s also not forget about how you can use that little extra free time you may have to properly care for your teeth and braces. Now that the kids are in school, it’s the perfect time for braces.

Types of Braces for Parents

The days of strictly metal braces are behind us, leaving us with a variety of options, including:

  • Invisalign
  • Clear braces
  • Champagne braces
  • Gold braces

With so many options, you’ll have no trouble finding the right style of braces for you. Invisalign is perfect for those who want a less noticeable option. These clear plastic aligners are removable and must be worn 20-22 hours each and every day. If you’re not sure you’d be able to remember to wear your aligners, perhaps clear braces might be for you. This option is much like metal braces, but consists of clear or ceramic brackets to better blend in with your teeth.

There are also more stylish options out there today, including champagne braces. With the durability of stainless steel, champagne braces have some serious style. With gold brackets paired with silver wires, these braces give you the look of a brighter smile and work the same as traditional braces. Gold braces are another stylish option, popular with many female patients. With gold brackets and wires, these braces stand out in a good way, giving patients a sense of style and confidence. If you’re going to have braces, why not look fabulous too?

Benefits of Braces for Parents

It’s never too late to get the perfect smile. So remember, even though you’re not a kid anymore, you can still benefit from having braces. Improper bites and other orthodontic problems can worsen as we age, causing us more problems. And believe it or not, your teeth can still shift and move even though you’re an adult. There are now more options for treatment than ever before, so why not get that priceless smile?

The friendly experts at Charleston Orthodontic Specialists are ready to help you find the perfect treatment plan! Call (843) 4-BRACES to get started with our team today!