After getting your braces adjusted, there’s a period of time where your mouth may feel sore. While this pain should go away quickly, it can put a damper on your day. Here are some tips for how to get rid of pain from braces and get braces pain relief.
Take Pain Medicine After an Orthodontic Adjustment
Over-the-counter pain relief medications are an effective way to manage any soreness or discomfort after an orthodontic adjustment. It’s important to follow the proper directions for use and adhere to the dosage instructions. Over-the-counter pain relief medications aren’t meant to be taken regularly. However, they are appropriate to manage pain in the first couple of days after an adjustment as long as you’re following the directions.
You can also apply oral anesthetics (one common product is called Orajel) to sensitive spots in the mouth. These over-the-counter pain medications can be applied directly to the teeth and/or gums to help alleviate sensitivity and discomfort.
Eat Soft Foods After an Orthodontic Adjustment
Eating soft foods can help if your teeth and mouth are feeling sore. After an orthodontic adjustment, try eating these foods:
- Pudding
- Jello
- Oatmeal
- Soup
- Mashed potatoes
Your braces are slowly shifting your teeth all the time; any additional pressure from hard or crunchy food can create more discomfort. It’s a good idea to avoid certain foods all the time when you have braces, but especially in the days after you’ve had an adjustment.
Ice Packs Can Ease Inflammation
The impact of your teeth shifting can create inflammation in the mouth. To alleviate any discomfort from inflammation, you can use ice packs for the first couple of days after an adjustment. Applying cool pressure to the sensitive areas, or simply drinking cold water, can ease any inflammation.
Rest After an Orthodontic Adjustment
Getting adequate rest can really help when it comes to tooth sensitivity. The discomfort you are feeling is temporary, and also means that you are one step closer to getting your braces removed and having a perfect smile!
While the discomfort won’t last long, your new smile will last a lifetime!
Let the experts at Charleston Orthodontic Specialists guide you through your journey to a spectacular smile. Call (843) 4-BRACES to get started with our team today!