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Mouthwash is a great way to help take care of your oral health, whether you have braces or not. It adds extra cleansing and protection power to your teeth after brushing and flossing. You still need to brush and floss if you use mouthwash. It’s not a replacement for those essential dental hygiene treatments, but it does enhance them.

There are many different types of mouthwash and many different brands. But which one is the best for you? We’ve broken down the basics of mouthwashes below and what to look for when choosing one.

Cosmetic Mouthwash

If you’re just trying to get rid of bad breath, cosmetic mouthwash is the option for you. It’s the simplest option for mouthwash as it only works to control and prevent bad breath.

Usually mint flavored, it acts a temporary mask for bad breath but does not help prevent bacteria or plaque caused by certain foods or drinks, like soda.

Besides mouthwash, there are many different ways to prevent bad breath. Be sure to drink plenty of water because it keeps your mouth from getting too dry but doesn’t develop bacteria. Brushing and flossing consistently and eating well are also great ways to keep your bad breath at bay.

Therapeutic Mouthwash

Therapeutic mouthwash has more benefits than cosmetic because it is specifically designed to combat plaque, gingivitis, tooth decay, and bad breath. You can get these either over the counter or by prescription if your doctor deems it necessary for your dental health.

Be sure to look for the ADA seal on the bottles of therapeutic mouthwash. This assures that the product has been evaluated and approved by the American Dental Association. You want to be sure your mouthwash is credible and proven to help prevent dental diseases.

Different Types of Ingredients

While many therapeutic mouthwashes are used to fight plaque and bacteria, the ingredients in them can sometimes cause people to be wary. Many mouthwashes have alcohol in them for sterilization and to kill germs that can cause cavities. But some people aren’t happy about the alcohol content, especially for their children.

Alcohol-free mouthwashes are alternatives for those who don’t want to expose their child to a product with alcohol in it. Many of these types of mouthwashes use CPC (which is used in many health care products) to bind with germs and remove them from the surface of your teeth.

Fluoride rinses are another great option and is included as an ingredient in many different types of mouthwashes. Fluoride protects teeth from a buildup of plaque and cavities.

Even though mouthwash is not as essential as brushing and flossing every day, it is heavily encouraged for optimal dental health. Swishing with mouthwash while you have braces is a great way to get bacteria out of the cracks and crevices in your teeth and brackets.

If you have any questions about mouthwashes with or without braces, or want to know what kind is best for you, contact us today at (843) 4-BRACES.