happy teens together.

Between running your teen to sports practice and outings with friends to trying to juggle their ever-changing schedule, you can attest to the fact that teens are busy. Trying to get your teen to sit still for 15 minutes can be a struggle, let alone getting them to take orthodontic treatment into consideration to improve their smile. When it comes to orthodontic treatment, more and more parents are looking for alternatives to braces, and with the emergence of Invisalign, many parents are asking themselves if it may be the perfect solution for their teen.

Invisalign for Teens

What may work for adults doesn’t necessarily work for a busy teenager. That’s why the Invisalign system includes an option for teens, called Invisalign Teen. Invisalign Teen works just like the other Invisalign products, but it is designed with teenagers in mind. Blue compliance indicators fade with proper wear, which allows teens to recognize if they’re wearing their aligners for the right amount of time each day. Replacement trays are also part of the system, so teens don’t experience a lapse in treatment if they lose their aligners. These options make it easier for teens to undergo treatment to get a perfect smile.

Benefits of Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign includes a wide variety of benefits for adults and teens alike. Some key benefits of the Invisalign system include:

  • No food restrictions
  • Clear appearance
  • Ability to remove the aligners
  • Room to grow (only in the Invisalign Teen system)

Teasing can be very prevalent during the teenage years and can affect the self-confidence levels of many teens. With Invisalign Teen, a beautiful smile happens with a virtually invisible product, making it highly sought-after among many teenage patients. Although the benefits of Invisalign are plenty, choosing this form of treatment will depend on your teen. Are they up for more responsibility?

The Responsibilities of Invisalign

With all of the Invisalign products, patients need to be diligent in their treatment. After all, the success of your treatment depends heavily on your compliance with the Invisalign system. Aligners must be worn at least 22 hours every day and are only to be removed to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Your teen will need to be responsible and have a dedicated place to put their aligners when they’re not wearing them to avoid losing them. They will also need to remember their orthodontist’s instructions for treatment.

If your teen isn’t up for the added responsibility of the Invisalign system, you may want to pursue other forms of treatment, such as braces. Invisalign works the same as braces and provides the same results if the aligners are worn properly. This makes it a spectacular form of orthodontic treatment, but you have to follow the rules. Failure to do so may result in a longer treatment time.

Invisalign and Your Teen

When it comes to your teen’s smile, there are other options besides braces. Invisalign may just be the perfect product to help your teen get the smile they deserve without the hassle that goes along with braces. Adapting to a busy lifestyle is what Invisalign does best. See if it’s right for your teen by scheduling a consultation with your orthodontist.

Charleston Orthodontic Specialists has transformed hundreds of smiles with Invisalign! Call (843) 4-BRACES to learn more today.