
Cheri is a clinical assistant at Charleston Orthodontic Specialists. Here are 10 things we bet you don’t know about her:

1. Who is your favorite cartoon character and why?

I have two favorite cartoon characters. Mulan is one. She is expected to be good marriage material  and to bring honour to her family. She proves when it comes to bravery, gender doesn’t matter.
My second favorite is Velma from Scooby Doo! Everyone who knows me will agree with this one! I love solving crimes and problems. I’m just wondering where my Scooby Van is. Velma has the  brains and is still able to solve crimes even when she loses her glasses!

2. If we opened your refrigerator right now, what would we find?

Red Bull, salad, and bagels

3. What is one thing your patients would never guess about you?

I once wished I lived on a farm and had a simple life with lots of animals.

4. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

To be able to teleport anywhere, anytime, any place.

5. If you were in the circus, what act would you be?

A clown

6. Do you have pets? If not, what pet would you like to have?

We do not have any pets. If I could have a dog, I would love to have a miniature husky/pomerian mix.

7. What one accomplishment are you most proud of?

 I am most proud of becoming a mother. There is no love that replaces the love you have for your children.

8. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Mint chocolate chip from Baskin Robbins

9. How do you like to spend your days off?

I love to spend my days off at the beach, the pool, on the boat, or with my family.

10. Clemson or USC?

USC- Go Gamecocks! I’m a diehard Gamecock girl.

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about Cheri. Check out our Staff Page to read more about her. Be sure to stop and say hello if you see her in the office!