
The holidays are here! While this means family time, shopping for presents, preparing delicious food and decorating the house, for patients with braces, this can be a time when anxiety-filled time. Along with all the fun activities that coincide with the holiday season, patients with braces may feel a bit overwhelmed about seeing relatives for the first time with braces and keeping up with all their orthodontic responsibilities during this busy time. Here are some helpful tips about how to survive the holidays with braces.

What to Expect Around the Holidays With Braces

The first step in holiday survival with braces is mentally preparing for the season ahead. This means keeping in mind that the holidays are a busy time filled with family and loved ones, many of whom may be seeing you with braces for the first time. Be prepared for comments from relatives about your new braces and have a response ready. Let your relatives know that you’re one step closer to a beautiful smile and that you can’t wait to show them how all your hard work will pay off.

It’s also a good idea to keep in mind that many memories will likely be captured during this time of the year, so prepare for photos. Don’t shy away and avoid them simply because you have braces. Be proud of yourself! Know that the end game is a spectacular, healthy smile.

Get Festive with Your Braces

Part of being confident is expressing yourself! Have fun with your braces during the holiday season, maybe opting for red and green elastics to get in the spirit of the holidays, then change them to two or more different colors to ring in the New Year.

Foods to Avoid With Braces During the Holidays

There’s plenty of delicious food during the holidays, but it’s important to keep in mind that the rules still apply when it comes to which foods to avoid with your braces. Remember, certain foods can damage your braces, including:

  • Hard candies
  • Crunchy snacks
  • Nuts
  • Tough meats

It’s best to steer clear of these problem foods during the holidays so you don’t have to take time out of your busy holiday schedule to see your orthodontist for help fixing any of these issues.

It’s also important to be careful and prepared when traveling. Pack a travel kit, so that you can keep on top of your braces care, even away from home. Helpful tools to pack include:

  • Travel toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • Floss
  • Orthodontic wax

Being prepared near and far from home is essential in ensuring you’re doing your best to take care of yourself and your braces during this busy time.

The holidays are a magical time, filled with memories that can last a lifetime, so be sure to keep these tips in mind when it comes to preparing for the holidays with your braces.

The professionals at Charleston Orthodontic Specialists are excited to help you find the perfect orthodontic solution to fit your busy lifestyle. Call (843) 4-BRACES to get in touch today!