
According to doctors and other healthcare professionals, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The foods you eat for breakfast have the potential to give you the energy you need to have a successful day.

When you have braces, it’s even more important to make good choices about the food you eat because certain foods can make it harder for you to maintain success with your treatment plan. Damage to your braces caused by your diet can increase the amount of time you have your braces on. Here are some helpful tips for eating well and keeping your braces safe at breakfast.

Breakfast Foods to Eat With Braces

Avoiding sugary cereals and pastries at breakfast time is a best practice for everyone, not just people with braces. These foods lack any important nutrients and the sugar is not good for overall oral hygiene. In addition, sugary cereals can be hard to chew for people with braces and can damage brackets or wires. Bacon and other chewy, tough meats can also damage your braces.

It’s best to stick to soft foods that are rich in nutrients because not only will they set you up for a successful day, they will also help you maintain good oral health and stay on track with your orthodontic treatment. Foods like eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, and pancakes are easy to eat and good for you.

How to Eat Your Food With Braces

It’s also important to be mindful of how you eat with braces. Make sure that you eat slowly and chew your food properly. If you eat too quickly, you may encounter digestive issues and damage your braces. Cutting up your food up into manageable pieces will help you avoid any damage to your braces. Plus, these eating habits are beneficial even after your braces come off.

Make Oral Hygiene Part of Your Breakfast Routine

After you’ve eaten, you’re ready to move on to the next portion of your breakfast routine: oral hygiene. It’s important to make sure your teeth and gums are clean and there is no food debris in your braces after every meal.

If you can, it’s best to brush and floss after breakfast and after every meal. If you’re somewhere without a sink, one option is to carry a water bottle so you can rinse your mouth out with water. If you get in the habit of carrying a travel kit with you that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash, you’ll always be prepared to practice good oral hygiene.

The good thing is that proper oral hygiene is essential all the time, not just when you have braces. These good habits will serve you even after your treatment is complete.

Tips for Eating Breakfast With Braces

Eating breakfast with braces isn’t a big deal if you listen to your orthodontist and choose foods that are good for your health and your oral hygiene. The most important thing to remember is to avoid sugary foods and finish your breakfast routine with brushing and flossing your teeth.

At Charleston Orthodontic Specialists, we’re ready to help you on your journey to a spectacular smile! Call (843) 4-BRACES to get started with our friendly, knowledgeable team today! We have convenient orthodontist offices in Mount Pleasant and throughout the Charleston area.